Preparing for Sabbatical

Leigh, Luke, Joy, and I (John) are preparing for our 2019 sabbatical May 21 - August 21! A sabbatical is meant as a time of rest and renewal so that pastors may step away and be spiritually filled so they can step back in and serve. A sabbatical gives a pastor time away from full-time pastoral ministry to reflect on the call to ministry, the pastor’s relationship with God and God’s people, and theology and practice that will sharpen congregational ministry. What will we be doing on sabbatical? Here’s the plan: Stage 1 - We will spend time at Holden Village Lutheran Retreat Center in the Cascade Mountains. It's a wonderful place to step away from life in Tacoma and unwind without phones or computers surrounded by beautiful mountains, with daily evening worship and time for reflection and prayer. Stage 2 - We will travel to Hawaii to spend time in rest and renewal, explore Leigh's cultural heritage by connecting to her mom's growi...